is an artist and educator living in Dublin, Ireland. Born in Belfast, N.Ireland, Loughran studied Art and Design at The Ulster University in 1991 before emigrating to the U.S for six years. On return he enrolled at Dun Laoghaire College of Art Design Technology, and received a Diploma in Fine Art (2002). He went on to complete a B.A in Fine Art Painting (2003) and an M.A in Sculpture at N.C.A.D (2005), completing his doctorate at the National College of Art and Design and the Graduate School Of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM, 2008 - 12).
Throughout this educational trajectory Loughran worked within the framework of participatory art, and as an adult educator in the informal education sector. Where the experiences of informal education were influenced by critical pedagogy, the artistic practice was influenced by post-structuralist theory and discourses on socially engaged art.